35Created by MRKfrom the Noun Project
How to manage space debris?
Ensuring earth-space sustainability.
What is a just and sustainable future in outer space?
Connecting different disciplines and approaches.
Exploring new directions in governing the global commons.
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November 2-4, 2022





October 25, 2022

April 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

September 15, 2022

October 15, 2022


Welcome to the

Commons in Space 2022 Virtual Conference

Aim & Scope

We are pleased to announce our call for individual presentations, special sessions, round table discussions, and other creative contributions. This conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners on the commons in space. We will cover topics from space debris, congesting orbital space due to increasing satellites, protection of dark night sky, mining of celestial bodies, earth-space sustainability, diverse perspectives on space as a global commons, going beyond Antarctica and deep seabed regulations as models for space law, and much more.

The increasing use of space, from billionaire tourism to exploration of the Moon and Mars, as well as the increasing near-misses with space debris, has made many of us aware of space as a shared resource. How can the use of outer space be governed, providing opportunities for private actors but also protecting the rights for current and future generations that have not yet the means to participate in space exploration? How do we ensure the long-term sustainability of space exploration activities, as well as the safe use of Earth’s orbit?

As a virtual conference organized by the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), we will facilitate a discussion between space scholars and scholars studying more traditional commons. What can we learn from governing shared resources on Earth to derive fair and productive outcomes when governing shared resources in space? And what can commons scholars, working on local and regional scales, learn from space commons that face governance on a scale beyond planet Earth? How can commons scholarship provide models for diverse stakeholder groups to have agency and voice as humanity takes important steps towards a sustained human presence on the Moon, Mars, and beyond?

The Conference

At a Glance (Click on buttons for details)


Meet Other Participants

Tips & Tricks for the Conference

Illustration by NASA



How to regulate the use of various types of resources on the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies?

Governance of orbital environment for sustainable uses of spacecraft and satellites for navigation, observation, and telecommunication purposes.

How do we facilitate a fair and inclusive use of space and access to outcomes of space exploration?

How to manage the cultural and scientific heritage of space exploration, as well as protect our dark skies in the interests of astronomy, wildlife, and tourism?
We welcome contributions to imagine a future of humans as an interplanetary species. What would be the governance arrangements for a sustainable and just future?

Which new methodological tools can be insightful to research aiming at addressing these grand challenges?

Types of


We welcome different kinds of contributions:

The focus of a round table is debate. Panelists may make short statements after which there is a moderated discussion during which questions from the audience are addressed. The duration of the round table is 50 minutes.

A session consists of at least four 10-minutes video presentations and has their designated space on the conference website. During the live events, the special session has a moderated round table with presenters.

A 10-minute presentation is pre-recorded and available for conference participants the asynchronously interact with the presenters in the comment section. Presenters are also invited to a live round table with other presenters of similar topics.

Short films, artistic work related to the conference, interviews, or other online activities.

Online Conference

No hassle, costs, or carbon emissions from traveling. Attend the entire conference safely from home.

Three Days

Three days packed with prerecorded sessions and live events.

Meetup and Network

Interact with your peers during networking events .


Important Dates

September 1, 2022

Deadline for abstract submission

September 1, 2022
September 15, 2022

Notification of acceptance

September 15, 2022
October 15, 2022

Deadline for pre-recorded video submission

October 15, 2022
November 2-4, 2022

Event dates

November 2-4, 2022

Starlink Satellites Illustration (Image hosted at https://www.livescience.com/starlink. Image credit: Getty Images)



IASC Members
$ 10
$ 50

Meet The


Xiao-Shan Yap

Research Scientist at Eawag, Switzerland; Assistant Professor (guest) at Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Founder of Earth-Space Sustainability

Marco Janssen

Professor, Schools of Sustainability and Complex Adaptive Systems, Arizona State University, USA

Steering Board

Timiebi Aganaba

Assistant Professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Space Advisory Project Lead at Arizona State University, USA

Michael Clormann

Research Associate, University of Hamburg, Germany

Alice Gorman

Associate Professor in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at the Flinders University of South Australia

Akhil Rao

Assistant Professor of Economics at Middlebury College, USA

Jessy Kate Schingler

Director of Policy and Governance at the Open Lunar Foundation, USA

Scott Shackelford

Affiliated Professor of Law; Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics at Indiana University, USA

Eytan Tepper

Adjunct Professor, space governance, at the Graduate School of International Studies, Laval University, Canada

Richard Tutton

Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of York, UK

 Space Tourism – Image by Virgin Galactic/Handout via REUTERS


Event Sponsor

Interact with other participants

Social Room

During the conference, you will be able to mingle with other participants in our Wonder Room that will be available during the entire conference. The video below gives a simple introduction on how to use the platform. Once you log into the conference website you’ll find information about the location of the Wonder Room.

Port of Mars Game

How to sustain human communities in space? Port of Mars is a game designed to identify effective strategies for navigating commons dilemmas and collective action under high uncertainty and high-risk conditions.

We will do gameplay with a digital version of the game during the conference on Friday, November 4. When you are signed up for the conference, you get additional information about the gameplay.

Our recommendations

Tips and Tricks for the conference

You can contact us at iasc@asu.edu for the following issues

“I lost my conference key”
“I need a certificate of conference participation

How to get the most out of the 2022 Commons in Space Virtual Conference

Welcome to the 2022 Commons in Space Virtual Conference.  We are excited to have you on board! Whether this is your first time attending a virtual conference, or if this is one of many that you have experienced, we would like to give you some tips to increase your focus and make the most of your time during this event.

Block off your calendar

When we attend an in-person conference, part of what makes it special is being away from home, office, and our usual daily routine. We suggest that you do the same for this virtual conference. Let your employers, students, colleagues, and family know that you are immersing yourself in this 3-day conference. We are offering real-time panel discussions and networking events. Get the real-time events that you want to attend onto your calendar first.

Interact with other participants

Encourage friends and colleagues to attend the conference with you. Utilize the discussion board to ask questions and create dialogues about various points of view. Schedule 1-on-1 virtual meet-ups with people you meet during our various events. Throughout the conference, a virtual meeting place will be available for you to interact with other attendees at any time. We will be using the wonder.me platform.

Let this event have a lasting impact

After the conference, the recordings of the panels will still be available to you. Stay connected to the participants you met while networking. As an IASC member keep informed via the biweekly newsletter, send contributions for the newsletter, and consider to organize an IASC event in the future. Questions? Contact Caren Burgermeister at iasc@asu.edu.